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From Scratch
AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals by
01- Before starting ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals | Arabic
02- What is cloud computing ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals
03- Benefits of cloud computing || AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals
04- CapEx VS OpEx ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals | Arabic
05- Cloud deployment models ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals
06- Types of cloud services ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals | Arabic
07- Creat Azure Account ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals | Arabic
08- Understand Azure billing ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals
09- Azure support options ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals | Arabic
10- Tour of Azure services ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals | Arabic
11- Exercise Create a website hosted in Azure ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals
11- B- Fix . Create a website ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals | Arabic
12- Exercise - Configure an App Service ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals
13- Exercise Access an App Service using ||Azure Cloud Shel Azure Fundamentals
14- HA Zone Region Geography ||AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals | Arabic
15 - SLA AZ-900 || Azure Fundamentals | Arabic
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Microsoft Certified Trainer Cloud Solutions Architect.